Stagiair gezocht (intern vacancy)

Vanaf begin augustus zijn we bij studioSK op zoek naar een gedreven stagiair! Wij zijn met name werkzaam in de infrastructuur (stations, bruggen, tunnels, zoutsteunpunten, etc.) maar ontwerpen ook grote kantoorinterieurs. Onze site is momenteel under construction. Ben je geïnteresseerd ? Stuur dan je cv + portfolio naar

70 + 30 tentoonstelling

Afgelopen zaterdag opende voormalig Rijksbouwmeester Liesbeth van der Pol de tentoonstelling 70 + 30 met een prachtig voorwoord. Ter gelegenheid van zijn 70e verjaardag nodigde Bernard Leupen zijn 30 meest inspirerende afstudeerders uit. De tentoonstelling geeft een mooi en vooral divers beeld van waar iedereen nu mee bezig is. Wil je de tentoonstelling ook eens gaan bekijken? Tot en met 8 juni is Bernards Galerie iedere zaterdag en zondag geopend. Adres; Prinsengracht 575 in Amsterdam 

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Fenne 1 year old!

special brickwork station Kampen Zuid

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For the facade of station Kampen Zuid, in cooperation with SDU and st. Joris, we developed some special bricks. The story behind this special facade is that I visited the factory of St. Joris in Beesel and saw some experimental left overs spreaded aroud the place. I collected them and puted them together and said; I want something like this…The other people looked at me, like…you know…But we agreed to make some adjustments and now they are shining on this very nice facade. Ben Vulkers took some nice photo’s for me. The landscape architect, designing the bikeparking next to the station, wants to use the same bricks to make a small observation building.

virtualREALITY – station Dronten

01 station Dronten_Virtual

02 station Dronten_reality

Seven years ago I made my first sketch for two new station buildings at the new Hanzelijn. Before starting construction we also made some redenerings. Now the buildings are finished the result is perfectly matching the virtual image, don’t you think?

virtualREALITY – Station Kampen Zuid

01 station kampen zuid_virtual02 station kampen_reality

Seven years ago I made my first sketch for two new station buildings at the new Hanzelijn. Before starting construction we also made some redenerings. Now the buildings are finished the result is perfectly matching the virtual image, don’t you think?

Hanzelijn – a 50 km new railroad in the Netherlands

On december 6 the Queen of Holland will open the new Hanzelijn. A 50 km new railroad from Zwolle to Lelystad. The line is realized within cost and time. For 8 years I worked on this project and designed the extension of station Lelystad Centrum, a new station for Dronten, a new station for Kampen, a tunnel under the Dronterlake, Noise barriers and several viaducts. I was interviewed about the architecture (in dutch):

omroep Flevoland

8500 visitors

It has been a while that I posted something new over here. Now my son Fenne became 12 weeks old today everything is a little bit back to normal. So soon you will see a new post here!

Up to the next 1000 visitors!